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“Dance to Express, Not to Impress”

We dance for laughter, 
We dance for tears, 
We dance for madness, 
We dance for fears, 
We dance for hopes, 
We dance for screams, 
We are the dancers,

It is a well known fact that dance has enormous potential that enables students to develop many fundamental life skills, such as problem-solving, creativity, critical and expressive communication skills. It also has physical benefits such as supporting the development of a child’s body balance, improving coordination, motor skills, etc., and can play a positive role in promoting fitness and healthy lifestyles. Further, it promotes soft skills in students like collaboration, imagination, tolerance, working in groups and communication.

Acknowledging this, the endeavour of the Dance club is to provide ample opportunities to our students to explore the world of graceful movements and creative imagination.


We create the dreams!!!